Shown here are a few more of my photos from this year's folk fest. This first pic informs you of the theme in case you didn't know it.
These banners were created by Laura, one of our crew members, and hung in the place of the old main gate. The structure was torn down a few years ago. . . I still miss that wonderful breeze that used to waft through there. One could be on the shade on a hot day, but could stay cool and always find a breeze under there!
An army of butterflies invaded fest land this year, thanks to Jeremy's genius. One even landed on the top of the big banjo!
Here are some butterflies in the making.
An increase in wind prompted Bugsy to tighten the ropes on the big guitar.
It was the first appearance of this banjo, Casey's baby. And the mandolin up there on the upper left of this photo was Dave's creation, with a little help from Amy D!.
Thursday pre-fest. Intermittent sprinkling happening.
Deadlines are looming. Gotta get done!
Saved by the plastic tent!
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