Monday, March 10, 2008

Tax Return Job - - - Ugh!

TAX TIME! Yuck! My least favorite job. That and washing dishes!

Oh well, the job's gotta get done, so I'm plodding my way along, trying to get through it. You've heard of the light at the end of the tunnel? Well, I visualize a painting at the end of my tunnel!
I can't allow myself to paint until this job is done! It's an incredibly motivating factor for me. I decided to give myself ten minutes to post this blog, to vent a little. I needed it! Then it's back to work! My Art Every Day Resolution has suffered because of this, but I simply must get it done! (If my son wants to attend college, we HAVE to pay attention to financial deadlines!) I can't wait till I get to feel that great big sigh of relief when I know that the job is DONE!

Does anyone out there have any other ideas on motivating tricks? If so, I'd love to hear them! Post a comment and share!

On a lighter note, I saw my first robin today! Spring is coming! (It was standing in the middle of the road, but hopped out of the way as I approached.) I'm looking forward to enjoying the birds' return in my back yard again this spring.

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