Monday, August 03, 2009

Rainy Mountains, Clouds

I've been busy with family stuff the last couple weeks, partly doing road trips with my next-year-college-bound daughter. We visited two colleges last weekend, and two more this past weekend. I think I covered about a thousand miles in all.

The photo displayed here shows the view from the parking lot at Lycoming College in Williamsport, PA.

There are many more images in my head wishing to come out as art!
Often I would see a real cool view of the mountains or a cool cloud and ask my daughter to photograph it as we drove by, since I needed to keep my hands on the wheel!

Looking over the photos we came home with though, I see that it's hard to take a good photo while riding in a car on the highway.

So on the way home on Saturday, there was this huge puffy cloud right in front of us. It stayed with us for the last half hour or so of driving. I wanted to photograph it but didn't.
So when I got home, I checked the sky and there it was still waiting to be photographed! So I did, trying different vantage points to capture it in the best way. It was challenging because the cloud was so immense in scale, and there are so many things around my house which obstruct the view: telephone poles and wires, trees, other houses even. but I managed to get this piece of it using the zoom feature on my camera holding it outside the bathroom window.

Clouds. . . Awesome, ever-changing miracles of nature. And free for the looking!

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