Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Ever-Changing Artist's Statement

An artist's statement is supposed to educate the viewer about what one's art is all about... to make one want to look at more of it. As I travel along this path of creating small watercolor flower paintings, I searched my soul for answers to the question of why I do it and what I am trying to accomplish with my art. Here is my result:

To transform
a blank white surface
into an explosion
of colors
and forms
that makes you feel
than you did before.
That is my challenge.

In creating art,
it is my intent
to grab your eye
and pull you
into and through
my paper flower world,
letting you
dance along the petals
and hide under the leaves.
To spend a moment
in a magical place
away from the real world
just for awhile.

And while you're there,
drink in some sunshine!

I owe a debt of gratitude for the inspiration of the above post to the writings of Luann Odell and also to Christina Bothwell Thank you. And thank you Clint Watson, for being the bridge over which I crossed in order to get to their ideas.

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1 comment:

  1. Hey, I just found this--thank you for the mention of my blog. I'm SO HAPPY it inspired you to write an artist statement that excites you. Keep up the good work!


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