Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Secretary of the Arts Petition

My friend and fellow ARTsister, Ellen Abraham, sent an email to me which contained (in my view, anyway) a terrific idea: America should have a Secretary of the Arts!

Below I have pasted what I received in my inbox:

Quincy Jones has started a petition to ask President-Elect Obama to appoint a Secretary of the Arts. While many other countries have had Ministers of Art or Culture for centuries, The United States has never created such a position. We in the arts need this and the country needs the arts--now more than ever. Please take a moment to sign this important petition and then pass it on to your friends and colleagues.

Secretary of the Arts Petition

### END OF EMAIL ###

So here's what to do:

1-Read the email above.
2-If you agree, click here. It will take you to the website where you can sign the petition.
3-Sign it.
4-Pass the word along to others who may be interested.

Working together, we can make a difference!

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