Thursday, December 27, 2007

Jeanne Guerin-Daley's 2007 Cyanotype Christmas Card

"Flight 07" (c) 2007 Jeanne Guerin-Daley

The above image is a photo of a cyanotype which I made especially to be made into Christmas cards which were sent out this year.

I welcome any comments about it.

The message on the inside of the card reads:

Warmest wishes of peace, hope, and joy

On the back of the card I placed a miniature version of the image, with this message:

This image is dedicated to my mother,

Conchita Guerin,

Whose memory will always shine brightly.

The reason for this dedication is twofold. First of all, I just wanted to honor and remember my mom. This was the first Christmas I experienced without her. She finally gave up the fight against Alzheimer's disease near the end of January this year (2007).
Secondly, I thought it would be a nice tribute to her memory if I continued her tradition of designing Christmas cards with the theme of the "Flight to Egypt". Every year I used to look forward to seeing what she'd come up with next!

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