Sunday, August 14, 2011

50th Philadelphia Folk Festival in Schwenksville, PA

A longtime volunteer for the Philadelphia Folk Festival, this is the week I usually go up and camp there for ten days. The first 7 are work days,where my crew paints signs, murals and special sculptures that decorate the entire concert/crafts area. followed by three days of fun, music and crafts, then another long day of labor-intensive strike down work.

This year, the crew is taking care of business while their fearless leader (my husband) is home trying to work on find better health (he has a stomach thing going on.) I've been home too, (hey, he's my hubby! ...where he goes, I go!) making sure he is well-supplied with Pedialyte, ginger ale, rice, chicken noodle soup,...

We will both hopefully get up there soon. Meanwhile, we've been in touch with the crew up there now. They are dealing with lots of wet weather, which is a drag. Paint never dries when it rains, even when we have them under tents. But you know? Things could be worse! I do hope that the wet forecast for this next week doesn't make this year's 50th Philadelphia Folk festival as wet as Musikfest was.
Take a look! (Such a shame.)

For info on the 50th fest, visit

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