Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Lunar Eclipse

So, I kept telling myself to go to bed, that I needed the rest, that I have to get up in the morning,... and I kept ignoring me.
I'm glad I did. Don't you think a lunar eclipse is a pretty cool thing to see?

At first I would step out the front door, take a look, then feel the freezing cold air race right through my sweatpants, and run back inside. I tried photographing it, no dice. Couldn't hold my camera still enough.

Then, I smartened up a little. If I opened the window in Frank's room, leaned out my head a bit, and braced the camera against the window frame, held my breath and pressed the button, I could not only get a half-decent shot, but while I was looking at the eclipse, my legs were being warmed by the radiator!

This blog is about my life as an artist. I tend to paint pictures of nature since it is always amazing me. Since I am constantly noticing the sky and what's happening up there, painting in my mind the stormy clouds and sunsets and rain and stars and dusk,.... I would say this applies to my theme...  Hmmmm. I wonder if I would be allowed to teach folks how to paint this lunar eclipse picture in my Landscape [acrylic painting] class at Michaels stores! After all, it might not be Earth, but it is Land!

What do YOU think? Would you ever want to paint something like this?

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